
Now and Then...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Well, We made it. Today is our anniversary. =]

I already wrote the sappy post, but I was going through some pictures and couldn't help but smile and plan another post.

I considered taking a picture on the 3rd of every month for the first year of our marriage, but I didn't feel like it was very original. I considered taking a picture of the most "memorable" thing we did each month...but I knew that cameras were never around when you needed them most. SO I decided that our rings would be the best way to document our first year together, and I'm so glad I kept up with it.

 This one was in Jamaica... I love sandy toes. This is one of my favorites.
 This was our key card in Jamaica...I thought it was hilarious that even the key cards relaxed you.

 Our first christmas. I love snowman decorations in all forms. So I love this picture.
 This one is kind of random, but the rings are actually sitting on the foundation of our house that's being built.

 Margaritaville in Jamaica.
 Our first Thanksgiving in Wheeler (Cody's old stomping grounds.)
 Cody met all of my oklahoma family this trip.
 Our First Valentine's Day
 I just thought it was a cute idea. =] It captures the rednecks we've become.
 Our First Easter
 First Anniversary trip.
 We have eaten here during the same week for the past 3 years. It's become a tradition of sorts.
I just thought it was cute. =]

These are a few of MANY that I've taken of our rings. I still have another SD card with another 25 or so of them. I love, love, love them. I love them so much, in fact, that I've decided to decorate our bedroom in the new house with them. I think it would be an awesome reminder of where we've been together so far...with plenty of blank space to remind us of where we're going.

So, here we are one July 3rd, 2010.

And here we are on July 2nd, 2011 (around midnight, so practically july 3rd)

I love the difference a year makes. Our faces are a little rounder, our smiles are still bright, and We still have the "Newlywed Smile," but there's a noticeable difference in comfort between the two pictures. Still insanely in love, but comfortable together. That makes me happy. I love that he still gives me butterflies.

 July 3rd, 2010.

July 3rd, 2011 (by the way, that may have been the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.)

An amazing year with an amazing man, walking in the will of an Amazing Jesus. I can't stand the excitement of the next year. A new house, a new degree, a new vacation, the option of growing our family is another year's going to be amazing. To those who were around last July and to those who joined the fun over the past year, we love and thank you so much for walking with us through our first year. We're still learning about each other and somedays I wish I could punch him...but at the end of the day, his arms are where I still want to be... And that's worth celebrating every day.

"Today's the day my life begins. Today I become a man/woman. Today I become a husband/wife. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself. Today I become accountable to you. To our future. To all the possibilities that a marriage has to offer. Together, no matter what happens, I'll be ready. For anything. For everything. To take on life, to take on love. To take on possibility and responsibility. Today, our life together begins. And I can't wait."
*Sniff* those were our vows. I watched my wedding video today, cried in my cheerios. What a wonderful, wonderful year.
Love Never Fails (even when you gag on your wedding cake)