
The Baby Shower

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Today, we celebrated our sweetest baby Earp's arrival with a diaper shower. Honestly a dream come true for any mom, but especially one that will have 2 babies under 2 years old in diapers. It's a new part of our lives that I can't say I'm looking forward to, physically or financially... but we're going to make it. We'll survive. I think...

I've always heard that 2nd baby showers are "tacky" and "in poor form," so I didn't originally plan to have one... even though I found it extremely unfair that I was going to tell my kid "Oh, you were born second, so you didn't get a shower. Sorry." And honestly, if this were another girl, I probably wouldn't have had one. But this is my son, and he is my last baby, so I know it's my last shower. So when my sweetest friend Melissa said "What are you doing for your baby shower?" and I mentioned that I probably wasn't having one, she basically said "You are an idiot, pick a date." So I picked a date and recruited two other hostesses. I told them not to make it a big deal, not to spend a lot of money, and that I wasn't going to register anywhere. I also forced Melissa to theme the whole shebang as an outdoorsy baby lumberjack charade, and to say that it looked like something straight out of pinterest was an understatement. It was incredible. My heart was so proud and so full for everyone to see it. 

That's just a small sample of the cuteness that ensued at this shower. It was simple, yet still each detail was thought through so intricately that it makes me dread the day that I have to help throw a shower for them, especially considering my house looks like a cemetery for failed pinterest projects. 


It was a wonderful day, preceded by chaos. I came down with a stomach virus on Thursday night, and immediately sent Ella to my mom's. I writhed and suffered all day Friday, and we almost had to cancel the whole shebang. I'm so glad we didn't, but we did have to exile Ella from the party, which is why there aren't any pictures of her. She's a child of familiarity, and she doesn't like it when that's interrupted. So it made me sad, of course, but it is what it is. I didn't get many pictures because I still wasn't feeling like myself, but if you came to shower, thank you so much for being there and celebrating with us and not finding me too tacky with my second shower. If we're being totally honest, I hate showers of all kinds. I don't go when I'm invited, and when I'm the center of them, I get really anxious and tend to hide in the kitchen or the corner. I won't lie and say I'm not relieved that we don't have to have anymore showers, but I also won't lie and say that I didn't enjoy today. I'm so thankful that we had the opportunity to celebrate this sweet baby that could honestly choose to join us whenever he wants to. It was a special day for me, and a real special day for our diaper budget. 

***disclaimer*** This was an extremely small shower and we only invited a handful of people, because once again, I didn't want to look like a greedy Gertrude by sending an invitation if we really don't talk much. It was just something I wasn't comfortable with. The end.  

1 comment:

  1. Mommy to be is seriously glowing with love and blessings. May you have a safe delivery! Went for a painting exhibition and met my friend at one of the NYC venues last week. She was inviting me for her baby shower lunch in a week or so. Will also send a formal invite in a day or so. Excited for her lovely party.
