
2 Years Later

Monday, July 2, 2012

In 1 hour and 12 minutes, "The Gaines" will be 2 years old... but as fate would have it, I'm getting really old, and it really is fascinating to see how much faster the desire for sleep comes as I grow old. I blame Cody, but I suppose there are worse situations to be in than growing old with someone.

It is incredibly difficult to conceive that we are already at this point, when just last month I told one of my dearest friends "I seriously feel like I've been married for 30 years." It has been two years of joy, laughter, and watching dreams unfold in front of our faces. It has also been two years of confusion, hurt, and brokenness, but it was a good kind of pain. You see, when Cody and I began our journey together nearly four years ago, neither of us were really where we needed to be in our walk with the Lord. And we kind of stayed in that place for awhile, and I realize now that some of the hardest parts of our relationship together were the times that we were trying to figure it out ourselves. In four years, I've watched him go from a man that loved me to a man that is completely captivated by my every breath because he sees me the way the Lord does. I loved him before, but because of the way Cody chooses to love me, my every moment of being his wife is simply bliss.

We were about 6 months old here. Check out that hair!

To sum up alot of little reasons why, I knew about 3 weeks into my relationship with you that this was it. I was 18 years old with no idea how to make an adult relationship function, let alone with somebody that was 6 years older than me. You have spent many a moon waiting for me to grow up, and most days I think that you're still waiting for me to come around. What can I say, I keep us young! I was 19 years old when you proposed to me, and I was terrified. I had never felt more unsure or more certain of anything in my life. Yet, in spite of all of the rumors (apparently we got engaged because I was pregnant,) the disapprovals (I would regret it because I was young and blind,) and the opinions (We were crazy to get married 6 months after our engagement,) my life has always made sense with you, Cody. The peace in my heart has meant more to me than any other thing that has come into or left our lives. The joy that you bring to me will never be taken for granted. The laughter will echo in my heart even when we're 90 and I can't remember your name. The love that I hold for you will never be contained, and I'll spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me. I've never regretted saying "Yes" the day that you asked me to be your wife, and if anything, I wish I had met you sooner.

 I married you on the 3rd day of July. I chose this day because it was the only date that the photographer had available in the summer. It wasn't until the wedding was almost here that I realized that we will ALWAYS have the day after our anniversary off of work. You're welcome. Oh, and thank you, America. I hardly even remember that we were originally set to marry in October, but I guess that means that July 3rd really was meant for us. It rained the entire week of the wedding, and the entire day of, which is interesting, because while I do adore the rain, we've pretty much been in a drought ever since. We went into the church with the rain pouring down and as two separate people. Then Jay married us, and we left the church as one. As soon as we walked out of the church, the sun blinded us. I have made a permanent decision to allow the situation to dictate my views on our marriage. When we were apart, the world was cloudy and it wasn't a very happy place. But as soon as you were by my side and my husband, the world lit up, and even the ugliest of situations seemed beautiful . In case you're wondering, I still would have preferred a beach wedding or at least a small ceremony in the church prayer garden on a Wednesday... but I'm still glad I married you. 

 The First year of our marriage was mostly simple. I mean, besides the fact that our first home was broken into, we went to Jamaica, we moved into a house that was way too large and outdated, and we literally resorted to breaking into the piggy bank once to get a blizzard. That was just off of the top of my head, but I feel they were worth mentioning. There were times that I felt the need to throw a fork at your face, and there were times that I'm sure you wanted to lock yourself in the studio just to get away from me for a minute, but I love the simplicity of our marriage. I love the routines, and the balances, and the fact that you try not to blatantly favor the dogs in front of me. It gives me great hope for our children. In our first year of marriage, I mostly learned that it's not okay to leave my laundry in 2 piles on the floor, it's not okay to use you razor, it's not okay to throw away cookies that have been left out for over a week, and it's DEFINITELY not okay to touch studio stuff while you're mixing. The first year was a blast, but surreal, because everybody stared at us like lab rats.

The second year of our marriage has undoubtedly been my favorite in ALL of our years together. Seriously. We have changed our world and we have grown in our walk with the Lord and we've grown to love and communicate with eachother efficiently with a lot less "UGHS" and "YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!" We live in a gorgeous home that is ours and almost every room is some shade of blue. We watch "The Big Bang Theory," "Bones," "The Killing," "Friends," and "Modern Family" all of the time. We argue over baby names and nursery themes for babies that don't exist. We love to grow things together, and I've successfully forced squash, zucchini, broccoli, and asparagus down your throat. Sometimes you're great birth control, but Loving you is so natural... and I love that two years later, coming home to you still gives me butterflies. Searching my recipe books for things that you might like has become on of my favorite hobbies. Rolling my eyes at the littlest things that you get excited about secretly make my heart take flight. We've come to understand each other in creepy ways, but I still learn something new about you every day. Today, I learned that you judgmentally stare at cashiers who didn't really give you extra oreos in your blizzard. My life with you has been a dream come true, and to fathom that we have at least 50 more years together (God willing,) makes me so excited.

I don't know what the future holds, and that used to really bother me. I used to feel that if I wasn't pregnant by 23, then I would be too old for babies. I used to believe that I would never finish school, now I'm 2 semesters away. I used to believe that my life would be fine even if I never found somebody to love me, but oh, I was wrong. My life without you would be so dull, passionless, and lacking in joy (and puppies.) If I had followed my life the way I planned it, you wouldn't be in it. And that would have been my demise. You are the living example of Jeremiah 29:11 in my life, and I'll spend the rest of it thanking God that you were the one. I love you more than I know how to say, but I promise to never stop trying. You're my dream come true, my happily ever after, my future baby daddy, and the part of my day that I look forward to. Happy Anniversary, Moon Pie!

Oh, well, it's still 6 minutes away. But it'll have to do. I'm practically asleep.

Love Never Fails (Even if Your wife crashes before your anniversary,)