
Week 25

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week 25 was exhausting, and it's only partially because I'm pregnant.

I have been so desperate to escape town for awhile, if for no other reason than I needed a change of pace. I haven't been anywhere since April of 2012, and I was itching for a change of scenery. Fortunately, I have two of the grandest parents in the land, and way back in February my dad called and said "Let's go watch the Rangers smash on Hamilton for your birthday!" and I said (rather wearily) "Okay..."

The trip came at a perfect time, because I was about to pull my hair out because I was so ready to be away from Odessa for awhile. It was a fast and furious trip, but I feel so much better. I missed my husband horribly (you'll recall my hormones have grown rather attached to his adorably hot bod), but I was able to get away one more time before I have a baby to carry around with me, and it was nice.

On Saturday morning, I met my parents at their house at an hour that I usually opt out of being awake to witness. We set out on I-20 and I tried my best not to cuss at other drivers (seriously, we drive like dillholes in this town. Something has to change.) while my dad slammed on brakes and accelerated past 18 wheelers. It was not my favorite part of the trip, and we were only thirty miles away from home. My dad is a great driver, fortunately, and we survived. It took us entirely too long to reach Sweetwater, mostly because of overactive bladders, and I was already feeling a little bit sick of riding in the car. Fortunately, we managed to survive the rest of the trip with only one stop, and we were soon in the hustle and bustle of Dallas traffic on a gorgeous Saturday. We stopped at P.F. Changs for a quick lunch, and devoured the cucumber-tomato salad that was served alongside my plate. About this time, I noticed how quiet my daughter had been, because she normally gets SUPER active when I eat. She was still and silent. We left lunch and went to one of the million malls in the area, and while I enjoyed myself, we were already working on an eight hour day with no nap. I was feeling a little sleepy, but tried to soldier on. Then I made the mistake of going to Grapevine Mills...on a Saturday. It was a stupid, stupid decision, and I made it about 3 stores in before I noticed a giant empty room with chairs next to the ice skating rink. I sat down with the intention of catching my breath (You try being pregnant and walking at the pace of crazy outlet shoppers) and ended up staying for about 50 minutes. My parents tracked me down, and I tried to make it to a few more stores before we gave up. I ended up finding a bench and I hung out with my dad while my mom shopped her life away. This did nothing for my mood, because I was so excited to walk those malls. I just really wasn't prepared to get so tired so easily. My daughter still refused to wake from whatever coma she chose to take that day, and as a first time mom, even though you know that everything is probably fine, your hormones can really wear you down. We ate dinner at a fun restaurant called "Uncle Bucks," and I ate an enormous bowl of pasta. It was divine, but made me aware of how tired I was. In spite of the sleepy, We all needed an "emergency" item from Target, and all I could think about was going to the hotel and going to sleep. Let's envision together what you feel it would be like to wake a Bear from hibernation in the middle of winter, and you probably have a pretty good summation of my mood that night. Half way through Target, I ended up on the phone with my husband and I was in tears. I couldn't tell him what was wrong, because I really didn't know, I just needed to cry. I blame exhaustion and hormones, but you really never know. Through it all, Ella stayed completely still through two meals, a five hour car ride, and my tear-filled meltdown. I was truly growing incredibly anxious about it. We went back to the hotel and I think I made it about thirty minutes into the movie we were watching before I was out like a light.

The next morning I woke up feeling a million times better, less like a crazy person, and even sang opera in the shower to impress my mother. We drove to UPtown Dallas and I fell so in love with the vibe of the area. Cute shops, gorgeous townhomes and complexes, Countless food choices, and away from the hectic traffic. I wanted so badly to buy a pink bicycle and move there. But then I realized that it wasn't an environment that I would want to raise a baby in. It was an environment that I could have pictured myself in if I was single and 23, rather than married and 23. Don't misinterpret or blow that out of proportion... it's just a statement. It's the life I would've pursued if the Lord hadn't wrecked my world when he brought my husband into my life at eighteen years old. It's a weird thought, because my little brother seems SO young to me at 19, but I was already engaged at 19. I never really ponder what life would've been like if I hadn't married young, because every day of my life is such a testament to the Lord's faithfulness. I adore my cute little house, my rambunctious pups, and that I get to fall asleep next to a man that pursues my heart every night. I love that the Lord took the dreams I had and showed me just how much greater his dreams are, and that I was willing to listen. It makes me so excited to see the path that Ella embarks, and if the Lord intends that she ends up 23, single, and living in a shack by the sea, I hope that she loves it the same way I love the way my life played out. She will, no doubt. Anyway, I loved UPtown Dallas, visiting my sweet Uncle Danny, laughing at stories from their childhood, and really just being content in the moment. I love being content in the moment. After a bit of shopping (mostly at Crate and Barrel because it's my FAVORITE), my dad and I sped back to the hotel in Arlington to prepare for a baseball game. I love baseball, especially live. I love the environment at ballparks, hearing stadiums sing the national anthem, and taunting refs over bad calls. This game was even better because the Rangers were playing against Hamilton (Booooo!) and the team spirit was extra hyped. After I survived countless flights of stairs (because my dad hooked us up with All You Can Eat Seats), I settled into the game, and for the first time in almost 2 days, the baby started moving. And she moved the ENTIRE game. Non-Stop. It was hilarious, so sweet, and a sign that she'll be a Rangers fan. 

The next day we packed up and left for home. I was ready to see my husband before he escaped for Las Vegas (a "work" trip), and sleep in my sub-zero temperature bedroom. After a fun date, we both collapsed into bed, and the next day was my BIRTHDAY! I had a great day, with a super hyper baby, and my birthday also marked 100 days until my due date. I captured the moment, and then spent a wonderful evening with my family. I was a little sad, because I know that my birthdays from now on won't really be MY birthdays. I'll have a 9 month old baby this time next year, and after that, I'll likely never open my own presents again. Or it'll look a little silly if I (as the mother) have a Princess cake. I'll be breaking a 23 year tradition next year, and it's been a little hard to get over. That's probably hormones, but it doesn't make it any less annoying. Regardless, I soaked in the day, smiled every time a foot kicked me in the stomach, and went to bed early as a gift to myself. 23 will indubitably be the best year yet!

That's mostly all. Kind of a short and boring blog, but fortunately, it was a short and boring week. Well, It was really scary week for one day, but after my sweet baby chose to embrace jazzercise instead of comatose states, it was a really good week. I am thankful I had the opportunity to get away one last time, and even though we couldn't be together, Cody had the same opportunity. I guess our next major step will be buckling down and starting her nursery (blah). We're entering into the final phase of this pregnancy, and while it feels that time is dragging and flying simultaneously, I'm ready to hold that baby. And kiss her sweet toes. And see her sweet nose. AGH. 98 days to go! Here's the bump!

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