
Week 28

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Well, I failed the one hour glucose test. I'm not shocked, but a part of me was still disappointed. I felt so great during the one hour wait that I just knew they were going to pass me. And I will say that I didn't fail miserably, but still enough that they called and said "Come pick up the order for the 3 hour!" I thought about saying "NO!" But that wouldn't have been the grown up decision. Part of me wants to go Monday and get the thing over with, but the other part of me looks at my very bruised arm from the last go around and thinks "Meeeeh." This test requires 4 separate needle pricks, and even though they switch arms each time, I can't imagine that it would feel great sticking a needle into an already bruised arm...twice.

*UPDATE* Today is Monday, and I didn't go for my 3 hour glucose test. I have a terrible tension headache at the point where my skull and spine connect, and sometimes you just know when it's a bad idea to have 6 tubular devices of blood pulled out of your system. I would've been on the floor.  I've also been awake since 5:45, because husband had to leave town this morning, and his alarm welcomed and beckoned me into the day. Well, it woke me up, at least. It was amazing to feel my sweet girl move on both sides of my womb at once as I stayed in the bed with a pillow over my face, begging for sleep to return to me. But it didn't. My back was hurting, my legs felt like weights, my hips ached,  and my stomach was alive with the glory of Ella... sleep never returned. PLUS, my arm is still bruised and it hurts to poke it with my finger; so I said no to needles this morning. Exhausted + Needle Pricks + Fasting + Headache + 3 hour Wait= The recipe for awakening the ugliest and meanest side of me. I'll try to be a better person on Wednesday... but not today.

*UPDATE, UPDATED* Today is Wednesday, and I did go for my 3 hour glucose test. It  was an interesting ride. This week, the clinic was out of "orange" flavor, so I was given Lemon-Lime. It tasted like watered down Sprite. Not bad, but not as smooth as the orange. They took my blood when I got there, I drank the juice, Then they took my blood on the hour, every hour, for the following 3 hours. I wish they would've provided a bed, because I was sleepy and bored, but I only had to drink the juice once. My arms are very sore, and quite bruised (especially the arm that was already bruised), but again, this hasn't been a bad experience.  

I also had my Rhogam shot on Friday. It was the first shot I've received in the hip (I prefer arms, in case you're planning to offer me a shot,) and after the initial shock to my system wore off, I was ready to roll. I would be totally okay with Ella being a negative blood type at birth so that I don't have to get another, but it's good to know it's a tolerable shot if I have to do it again. I would choose it over a shot in the mouth any day of the week. Those are the WORST.

I was supposed to start "Kick Counts" This week, but homegirl isn't feeling it. Ella moves of her own accord and will, and sometimes that means 10 times an hour, and sometimes that means 10 times in a morning. I've really struggled with it, since all of the books say that it could mean a problem, but her heartbeat is strong, and she does move. I've talked to my Doctor about it, and he says it could be the way she's laying. She could be moving all day everyday, but not in an obvious way. He seems confident that I would know if something wasn't right, so until then, I torture my child through the various ways I've read to make them move. Flashlights? Immune. Sweets? Immune. Cold Water? Immune. Lying on my side? Immune. Music? Immune. A little belly shaking? Immune. She moves when she wants to. That's the best way to describe my frustration. I've noticed that when I'm relaxed and happy, she's WAY more active. But since I'm at work for the majority of the day and generally pretty unhappy about being there, she stays pretty still. She usually moves when I laugh, and she always moves when I'm sitting in the rocking chair talking to her daddy. I've learned to be still through the parts of pregnancy that make me anxious. The Lord has his hand on her life, and even though some days it's REALLY hard, I have to walk in the confidence that He really does have things under control. I can't see her, but He can. She belongs to Him, and it's really better for all of us.

We had our Sneak-a-Peek ultrasound yesterday. She is still stubborn, but it's easy to get over because she's so funny! She lays across my stomach horizontally, giving the public the impression that I have love handles, but that's beside the point. She lays with her face looking up (as if she was looking at me), and her legs up by her head. She sucks on her toes and loves putting her arms behind her head. She does the sweetest little half-grin, and though I was disappointed by our pictures, it was sweet to be able to see her acting like a baby. Her head measured 28 weeks, Her legs measured 27 weeks, and her sweet little belly measured 31 weeks. Yep, 31 weeks. They guesstimated her weight at 3 pounds and 2 ounces. My app says that she could potentially triple her weight over the next eleven weeks (Please Lord, no,)  so she'll only get pudgier. The way things are looking now, she's petite, fat, and blessed with incredibly large feet. She has her daddy's cheekbones, without a doubt, and she never gave us a super definite picture of her nose, but it's not looking quite as puggy in her profile. The tech swears that she has hair, but I don't know that I believe that. I guess we'll just have to see. Her lips are my favorite part of our pictures. They're so sweet. Agh, I'm really just in love with her, and her daddy is equally (if not more) captivated. I'm so thankful for technology.  

I've done super well with opting out of buying clothes for tiny girl. I know my mother would never let her look homeless, but if she's anything like her daddy's pictures suggest, she'll be a diaper baby most of our days anyway. It'll be hard for me to let her have that freedom (because I am NOT an advocate for clothe-less children,) but if she's happy, she's happy. Back to the point, I've bought maybe 3 dresses and a gown that made me laugh hysterically. I bought all of those things before I even knew for certain that she was a girl, so to say that shopping has been minimal is an understatement. She's being born at a super awkward time of year anyway, because when she transitions into 3-6 month attire, it'll be October, so most of the clothing out right now won't do any good. I did splurge last week, however. I bought the sweetest little mint green romper. I plan to get her newborn pictures made in it, but I've been obsessed with these rompers since before I was pregnant. Seriously, ask my mom. I used to show it to her and say "I'll buy one in every color when Cody and I have a baby." Well, I can't afford one in every color, but I'm super excited to get a red one for her first Christmas Pictures. A red Romper with a white cardigan and white tights... with Red Shoes...or maybe even Christmas socks, because a girl should always choose comfort over pain. Her daddy is anti-big bow, so maybe I'll put one of those reindeer headbands on her. It's a Christmas picture, it's meant to be tacky and hysterical, right? Right? Hm. Anyway, here's her sweet romper:

Um, I don't know if anyone has paid attention to the weather, but it's MAY and 46 degrees outside... with a cute little asterisk that says "Feels like 38." IN MAY. Ridiculous. So now I'm forced to watch my little tomato plants shiver in the wind, my squash and zucchini plants shrivel into unrecognizable forms, and our new grass look even yellower than usual. It's all sorts of frustrating. I looked at our old pictures, and we were already picking squash on May 14, 2012. We're at least a month away from squash at this point, so this is a funky garden year. Who knows when we might see vegetation at this point. Everything is growing in spite of our bi-polar weather system, so I guess that's really all we can ask for. 

I think that's everything I felt obligated to share today. In terms of symptoms, my feet are really battling me in terms of swelling. I spend our evenings with my feet up and it helps significantly, but it's hard to get out and walk when my feet are so beet red and funny feeling. Walking helps more than anything though, so while our walks are brief, we're pretty good about going. My back has hurt more this week than it has in the last month or so, but it's nothing severe. My rubber band ligaments are feeling the stretch this week, so I try not to move or walk too quickly, otherwise I find myself to be severely uncomfortable for a long period of time. My hair is starting to get super annoying. I initially loved my lush locks, but now it's just getting toooooo thick, and I find myself staring into the mirror and saying "I...KILLED...MUFASA!!!" after I've battled my hair and it still looks like a lion mane. I've developed the "chronically tired" look to my face, so even when I smile my prettiest for a picture, my eyes give me away. I have found the secret to combating charley horses, so I haven't had one in quite some time. *fingers crossed* And I've actually slept better this week than I have in about a month, so I'm thankful for that. It's been a pretty simple week. People ask me how I am, and I say "Pregnant." Strangers try to touch my stomach and I politely sidestep their grabbing. I haven't had to use force yet, so thankfully people will continue to pick up on my hints as we finish out these last eleven weeks. ELEVEN weeks. Unfathomable. 2 1/2 months sounds too long, but eleven weeks sounds so imminent and short. 77 days sounds even crazier. 

That's it! This blog was kind of all over the place, but my brain is kind of all over the place lately. I'm getting excited to quit working and spend my days with my feet reclined while I plot menus and recipes while we wait for this baby to join us. I'm hoping the glucose mess comes back clean so that I can chow down on fruit without pondering the sugar in the fruit. I'll be 8 months pregnant in prime cantaloupe season, so you have NO idea how excited I am about that. Watermelon too, at that. Basically, even though it'll be a thousand degrees outside, I'm pregnant in the BEST weather for smoothies and fruit based ice creams. It's one of the only things I'm excited about.Unless the weather keeps it's nonsense up, then I'll probably be making cocoa and re-reading Narnia while I long for summer temperatures. Dramatic, maybe... but apparently possible. Here's the Bump as we embark on our last week in the twenty-somethings!

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